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Beth offers one off workshop days and also shares a 4 month Gift Activation Course.

The Workshop Beth offers are;

  1. Angel and Starbeing Meditation Workshops.

  2. Angel Art and Meditation Workshops. 

  3. Kundalini Yoga Workshops.



All are wonderful opportunities if you have been wanting to really dive deeply in your relationship with your Sacred Self, your Angels and the Star Beings. 


Each workshop is unique and Beth works with the Divine Feminine, Angelic Realm, the Planetary and Galactic beings for your highest good and highest self so you receive all you need from your Soul, Soul Family, Monad and Source. 


Beth holds workshops from her Temple of Light; Lightweaving.Space in her Garden and also at the Forest Arts Centre in New Milton. 




Workshops: Text
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Beth holds monthly workshops which give you the time and space to retreat into yourself and receive all that is available to you from your entourage of Angels, Star beings, guides and allies.

Each month is different as Beth channels the energies that are present at the time. 


Beth holds a space of unconditional love and compassion for your highest purpose. You are guided, accompanied by your Angels, Starbeings and Guides to turn within and listen to what you need.


Healing is shared through activations, updgrades, downloads and lightlanguage, light codes and seeds and sacred geometry. Your DN and RNA and motor neural pathways will upgrade as you embody your gifts and divine purpose. 


Beth works within the Elohim and Seraphim's Temple of Light where your guardian Angel will facilitate you receiving light codes and keycodes that will unlock and deepen all your innate gifts including telepathy and a deeper intuition; clair knowing. The light language you receive here will assist you in mastering yourself.


The Elohim and Seraphim are here now at this time to help you feel your feelings. To help you move energetic holding and blocks through your field and body. They are inviting you to work with them and activate new consciousness; to know your heart's song. The Elohim and Seraphim are here to help you align, blossom and integrate all that you are. 


You are being invited to truly know your energetic self - your light body and Merkaba and to choose gentle and tender Self-Love in each moment. To activate your unique crystalline blueprint and celluar structure so you can be present as your optimal self. 


This workshop is experiential and you do not need to have any experience working with Angels. Come with the intention of letting go and opening to your Spirit and Soul. 


Beth LOVE'S playing and creating with the Cosmos and Mystic; the seen and unseen - especially Angels!

Beth has spent the last 14 years prioritising Self-Love and Soul-Care. Beth absolutely loves sharing tools that help you sing your song and dance your dance. ​​

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This is a really practical and creative way of getting to know your Angelic Guides and Star being entourage.

You are guided in meditation and then work with colours, images, feelings that your Angelic guides offer to create form and shape. 

You are guided to use light language in the form of mark making. 


Your Angelic creation will act as new consciousness for you, kind of like your very own oracle card that will offer you limitless opportunities in deepening your relationship with your Angels, highest self and Soul Family. 



Workshops: Text

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The Studio, 303 Hursley Road, Chander's Ford. SO53 5PJ

© 2023 Beth Macey - Macleod.

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